What is The Fit Boxx?

The Fit Boxx introduces you to the best brands for your WOD lifestyle. Apparel, fitness gear, snacks, supplements and more – delivered to your doorstep every month.


How do I become a member?

Select the plan you’d like and click on the "Subscribe" button on thefitboxx.com. Then, complete a simple profile so we can get your information. Shipping is always free and you can cancel at anytime.


 When does my boxx ship?

Each Month's Boxx closes on the 6th and we ship between the 15th and the 18th of each month, weekends excluded.


When will I be charged again?

All recurring subscriptions and renewal dates will automatically update to the 1st of the month regardless of what date you made your initial purchase. You will never be charged for your second subscription until you have received your first box. Please see example: You purchase your recurring subscription on June 8th, you WON’T BE CHARGED ON JULY 1ST. Your first box would be the July box and then your renewal date would be August 1st 


How do I edit and update my information?

Login to your account, click manage subscription and update your information.


What is included in the boxx?

Every month you’ll get a different mix of things like workout apparel, supplements, gear, equipment, and other awesome things.  A great deal of thought and research goes into each box.


How do I cancel?

Simply login to your account and click manage subscription.


What is your return/refund policy?

No returns, exchanges or refunds. If you receive a damaged boxx please email us at info@thefitboxx.com 


I can't login?

If you are attempting to login and your email is not recognized you will need to create a username and password. Simply register using the same email address as when you ordered and all of your account information will be updated. Thank you!

Click Here to Register